Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Received a comment on my lack of posting post and it motivated me to at least add a few lines now...

Rcvd my first cortisone shot last Friday. Unpleasant procedure but so far the results are good. Continuing with acupuncture just in case! This whole experience has been frustrating - to say the least!

I feel like a crazy person lately: so busy, so much on my plate!
I'm involved with three fundraisers over a one month period (one down, one this Saturday [and really I didn't do too much for this one, but I'm anxious nonetheless!] and the big-big one with the art auction 03/20/10!), on top of school (and one impossible class!) and my regular volunteering and I just got nominated and voted in to be a board member for an organization I really love...and getting back into a regular routine of work, school, work-out, volunteer, homework, projects - OH: and having a life! ha!

Gardening season is coming soon too - madness I tell you, madness!