Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Life is a funny thing.

My life has changed dramatically since my last post. I am now employed full-time, split between two positions with two organizations that support each other. Business Manager for a local business and Fundraising and Development Director for a local dog rescue. 

It's a really different day and a really different life. 

I feel like I actually make a difference. I wake-up in the morning and not dread my day. 

I feel good supporting this phenomenal person who graciously welcomed me into both of her organizations as an integral member. I know I am helping her and making a difference but I am eternally grateful to her and her crew for welcoming me in, for supporting me and educating me...and listening and accepting the new and the different that I bring to their everydays.

I get to see dogs every day. I get to help save them. I get to help acclimate them to kindness and good food and clean spaces and safety and security. I get to moosh faces and kiss wet noses and send dogs off to new homes and new lives. 

Not too shabby, eh?

Doesn't mean I'm not still playing the lottery: I am. But I'd share it with a whole new group of people today. 

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